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- United KIngdom
A website without traffic is useless. To get traffic from search engine ranking using search engine optimisation & internet marketing. Social media can give companies a great opportunity to engage more effectively with new, potential and existing clients. You may have an existing web site - but is it working for you?
We provide a wide range of Digital Marketing services that focus on helping businesses make efficient and profitable use of the Internet. To be effective online, you will need to stand out in a very large crowd. In 2009 the Pingdom website reported that there were 234 million websites, with 47 million new websites added in 2009. The Internet Marketeer brings to bear.
For any retail or wholesale business looking to grow, e-Commerce solutions represent one of today's single greatest opportunities to target new customers and increase sales. Selling your products or services online allows you to have your shop open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. And the best part of that always-open shop is that there's no rent or utilities to pay for, no additional fixtures to buy, you don't even need to staff it (unless things get really busy!)If you already have shop premises, you can use them as your "warehouse", with careful stock control you can minimise your overheads.
Your prospects are searching online. Potential customers arrive at your website with specific needs, wants or problems. They try to establish if your company can provide a solution. Typically a visitor will spend 3-7 seconds on your site to determine if your company merits more of their time. This means 98% of your potential customers leave your web site without taking the action you want.
Find out how social media, search engine optimisation, e commerce, or digital marketing can help your business with our free Internet marketing consultation. The Internet Marketeer will provide a free consultation to discuss your Internet Marketing requirements. We will advise you what is best for your business or organisation.
Reviews (7)
Rebecca Anderson
Apr 15, 2017
Lucy Griffith
Mar 01, 2017
Eddie Royce
Paul Hines
Rebecca Anderson
Rob Abell
If the Internet isn’t working for your business, you need Gordon! simples… practical experience, exceptional analytical skills and technical know-how are the most important parts of Gordon’s toolbox that are rarely found elsewhere. If your business needs help, look no further as he is the only web developer with true marketing flair that I trust.
Kiran Purbhoo
I have worked with Gordon at The Internet Marketeer and he is a digital wizard! Whether it's responsive web design, an improvement in your websites search ranking or help with your social media presence, The Internet Marketeer is the only company I would use. Digital marketing can all to often be an unqualified expense and it's so easy to throw good money after bad but Gordon will make sure that the projects you commission him to work on are always successful. Great work and highly recommended.